Score! Match Tips⚽3-5-2⚔️The Ultimate Guide to the Best Formation!

Score! Match is

  • a fun game you can play on mobile!


you may have problems such as…

  • I’ve just started and I don’t know how to play well😢
  • I lose the ball so easily and it’s really frustrating!🤬
  • I want to master 3-5-2!😤yet I don’t know where to begin with!

I understand them all!

In fact, I’ve been there😭

In this article, I’m going to teach you “The Ultimate Keys” to master the 3-5-2 formation!🤯

star wars GIF

If you read this article, you can understand the basics & special tips of mastering the 3-5-2 formation☺️


Even if you’re players are level 8 on average & if you don’t have ANY special players,

You can reach the infinity arena!🤯

Way To Go Good Job GIF by Dirty Bandits

In this article, I’m going to show you the special tips in this order,

  1. 👑Players you should pick for successful 3-5-2 formation!
  2. 🦁The easiest & most powerful way of scoring from 3-5-2!
  3. 🔫Right side, left side, central & counter attacks!
  4. 😏How to score from set pieces even if opponent’s players are much taller!
  5. 🥶Understand the weakness of 3-5-2!

Let’s get started! 🔥

win GIF


💚 この記事をお読みいただき、ありがとうございます!💚


🔮Players You Should pick for Successful 3-5-2 Formation!

Below are the eleven players you should pick for 3-5-2!🙌

  • GK: GK Stopper
  • CB: Speedster
  • SB: Explorer
  • CM: Guard
  • RM: Architect
  • LM: Producer
  • AM: Prowler
  • CF: Intruder & Hammer

💎You can relocate speedster and intruder if you want to!

💎If you don’t have Intruder or Speedster, you can use infiltrator instead!

💎If you don’t have Prowler, you can use Engine instead!

💎If you don’t have Architect, you can use Producer instead!

💎If you don’t have Hammer, it’s okay to use Menace!

I’m going to explain more about the players and why they are located in their positions!

the force rock GIF

Q. Why do you pick stopper for GK?🤔

A. Because he concedes a lot less goals than others, obviously!⚽

In my opinion, there is no point in comparing Stopper with others.

Other two brothers concede much more goals than Stopper. Just check your stats!

Stopper is clearly the best one. Case closed!😴

Q. Why do you pick Speedster for CB?🤔

A. In order to deal with long counter tactics!⚽

3-5-2 is a very offensive formation with high possession, which means that there is always space for opponents to use for counter attacks.

Especially, when the opponent is a master at long counter tactics with formations such as 4-3-3, it’s crucial to have fast defenders!

Speedster is the fastest player in the normal players, so he has to be picked for centerback to deal with opponents’ forwards such as Jet!

Q. Why do you use explorer as SB?🤔

A. In order to prevent the opponent’s wing player from performing a crossing pass!

I have to admit that this 3-5-2 formation sure has a weak point…

The weak point is that we don’t have tall center backs and it’s very difficult to deal with tall players such as Hammer.😭

So how will we cope with the difficulty?

Well, let’s not let the opponent perform a crossing pass!

In order to prevent crossing pass from reaching the opponent’s tall strikers, our sidebacks have to be quick!✅

That’s why we use Explorer for side back!

Also, he is good at attacking too!

Q. Why do you use Guard for CM?🤔

A. In order to send the ball from left side to right side, and other way around as well!⚽

The most important reason for placing the guard at the central midfielder is to hold the ball, and to send the ball from side to side using short passing!

The guard only chooses safe actions. He is reliable and it’s very rare for him to perform risky dribbling!

That’s why we need him in the center to bring this possession football to a higher level!

When you can’t figure out who to pass to, just pass to the guard. ☝️

He will make sure we won’t lose the ball and receive counter attacks.

By continuing to pass the ball from side to side, the opponent’s defense will begin to become a mess!

That’s when we can finally take risky actions to score!

In addition, obviously, he is good at defense!

Q. Why do you use Architect and producer for SM?🤔

A. In order to provide high quality crossing passes to the forwards!

One of the most important positions in this 3-5-2 formation is the side midfielders!

We have technical players in those positions.

This is to provide high quality crossing to the Hammer, Speedster and Prowler!

The most important target for crossing pass is obviously Hammer, yet I’m going to explain about this later…

Additionally, they are good at keeping the ball using dribbling. Surely an important skill for possession tactics!

Q. Why do you use Prowler for Attacking Midfielder?🤔

A. To use him as a second striker, who scores from grounded crossing!⚽

Prowler does his best to react to the crossing ball faster than his opponent, like his obsession is unreal.😅

He likes to place himself close to the goal, thus, if you put him in the attacking midfielder position, he can virtually make 3-5-2 into 3-4-3!

This is great because side midfielders have more targets to cross the ball to!

If you don’t have a Prowler, you can use an Engine instead!

Q. Why do you use Hammer for CF?🤔

A. To score by header from crossing, obviously!⚽

If you use this formation, the top scorer would be Hammer!


Because the combination between Architect &👉Hammer is simply unstoppable!🔥

Additionally, he is really good at passing the ball backwards, which is truly an important skill for this possession football!

Q. Why do you use Intruder for CF?🤔

A. In order to use the space behind the opponent’s defense!

With this formation, our ball possession would be really high, sometimes as high as 80%…

Many times, opponents can’t be patient enough to keep the defense organized.

Intruder is really great for using the space behind the opponent’s defense, especially when the opponent’s defense gets kinda messy!

He is really fast, and the opponent will regret being inpatient after conceding goals from Intruder!

⚡ the Easiest & most powerful way of scoring with 3-5-2!

Finally I’m going to teach you how to score with 3-5-2!

Basically we hold the ball using the four midfielders, Producer, Guardx2 and Architect!

We have to be careful though, not to receive counter attacks! This is why we put two Guards in the center as I explained before.

Ultimately, we want to create a situation where Architech can possess the ball in a position where he can send a crossing pass to the Hammer!

This is the most basic way to score from this 3-5-2 formation!

💣How to attack from left side! easy goal from Kickoff!

Next, let’s check how to attack from the left side!

Just like the right side attack, the left side attack starts from the side midfielder!

You can start the attack when the Producer can hold the ball in a high enough position without committing the risk of losing it!

Generally, the Producer has to pass to the Hammer next.

Then the Hammer has three choices:🤔

  1. Provide a crossing pass to Prowler or Intruder
  2. Pass back to the Producer, Guard or Explorer and rebuild the attack again
  3. Pass to the Guard or Architect and shift the attack to the right side

Choice 1 is an ideal move, yet if not possible, we can still hold the ball with choice 2 or 3.

We can score goals from kickoff in a similar manner!

  1. Kickoff, pass back to the GK
  2. Pass to the Producer
  3. Producer dribbles
  4. Pass to Hammer
  5. Crossing pass from Hammer
  6. Intruder or Prowler shoots!

This is a very easy way to score goals from kickoff!🙃

🔫Like a boss! How to score from Central attack!

While it’s true that side attack is somewhat important in this 3-5-2, yet we can score a lot of goals from central attacking too!✅

The key is Intruder!

  • Long grounded crossing pass from the Producer
  • Short grounded through ball from the Architect
  • Short grounded through ball from Guard or Prowler

These types of passing can create a huge goal opportunity to Intruder!🤙

👾Counter attacks! How not to lose the ball immediately!

With counter attacking, it’s important to make the defense move forward!

As always, keep in mind to pass the ball to the players who are most reliable. Otherwise, YOU will be a victim of counter attacks!

Yet, on some occasions we can’t pass to our favourite non-risk-takers.

Here is a tip!

As shown in the picture, when you pass to players who are not reliable such as Intruder, just have them move downward using the pass!

This can create unpredictability in his move in a GOOD way, and I promise the defense cannot take the ball from him so easily!

Then make Intruder pass to reliable players such as Guard, etc.

⚔️Set piece tips! especially against stronger opponent

Generally, the best move is to perform a lofted pass towards Hammer…

However, if opponent’s defender is better at aerial battle, it’s simply impossible to score in that way!😡

I’m going to illustrate how to make goal opportunities in such a case!

😎How to short corner

The answer is to use a short corner!

  1. Passes to the Intruder
  2. Intruder reaches faster to the ball than the defense using his speed!
  3. Pass back to the Architect
  4. Architect moves towards the ball

After this short corner, you can do whatever you want!

I recommend patiently holding a ball, looking for a goal opportunity!

🤔Short corner or not? How to tell?

How do we know whether we should use short corners or not?

Well, you can

  • Look at his profile or remember the average level of opponent‘s players
  • If the opponent’s players level are equal to or below that of you Hammer, play corner kick normally
  • If opponent’s players are better than Hammar, do short corner


Same thing applies to the left short corner as well.

If you decide to use a short corner, you can pass to either Producer or Explorer!

Oh well I forgot to tell you, I recommend Architect for set piece kicker!

Weakness of 3-5-2🥶yet understanding it is strength!

There are no formations that do not have weaknesses, and 3-5-2 is not an exception.

Understand it and be prepared!

Long Counter Attack🥶

Let’s admit, 3-5-2 is vulnerable to counter attacks!

In order no to receive counter attacks, you need to

  • Hold the ball using the Guard, safely
  • End the attack with a shoot
  • Pass to players in a good position
  • If you can’t find no one to pass to, pass to the opponent’s GK instead
  • If you can’t find no one to pass to, kick the ball outside the field and give your opponent a throw-in

These moves can decrease the possibility of facing counter attacks significantly👍

Crossing Passes🥶

Since we do not have tall defenders, we’re vulnerable to crossing passes, especially when the opponent has a tall forward like Bulldozer…

The only solution is to

  • put as much pressure as possible on the opponent’s winger so that he cannot perform a lofted crossing pass to the forward!

This is the only thing we can do!


You have mastered the fundamentals of 3-5-2👏

App updates affect the strength of the formation from time to time, yet this 3-5-2 formation is one of the most basic formations to secure a win against rivals!

If you’re a someone who loves the idea of possession football, I definitely recommend this formation!😉

⚽Complete links to master score! match⚽

  1. Essential Skills
  2. Best Formations
  3. Players
  4. Extra Tips






19 thoughts on “Score! Match Tips⚽3-5-2⚔️The Ultimate Guide to the Best Formation!”

  1. Excellent explanation. Sir, can you define how to defend 352 by 433 formation. Please explain 433 formation.

    • hi Samuel!👋
      Thanks for the comment.

      I just made an article about Super & Golden Players.
      Super & Golden Players List!Facts About “The Elites” in Score! Match
      Please take a look at the table in the beginning of the article and use similar players in the 3-5-2 formation. For example, if you have Voyager, use Voyager instead of Explorer in your 3-5-2 formation because Voyager is an upgraded version of Explorer.

      If you have further questions, I’m happy to answer.😊
      Again, thanks for reaching out to me!

  2. Hello, I have found your comments very helpful. However, I am a solid middle of the pack elite/arena 8 player, and don’t usually get dropped back to level seven, although I can’t find out a way to get into arena 9. I have about 5 lineups unlocked, but I tend to either play with the 4-4-2 or the 4-1-2-3. I have no super players, but I all regular players except the Prowler and Menace. Most of my players are level 6, some level 5. I have about 1-2 players for every type that I have. Do you have any suggestions on how to move up, suggestions on player to start, or on the lineup? I would really appreciate all the help that I can get. Thanks!

    • Hey Riley!

      I’m glad that my article was helpful to you :D

      OK, first I’ll ask you a couple of questions.
      1. Do you tend to have more possession than your opponent?
      2. How do you concede goals usually?
      3. Do you have 3-5-2 formation?

      My usual suggestion would be going with 3-5-2, until you get to the infinity area. However, it depends on your answer to the questions above, obviously!

      I hope you write back!

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for all the tips.
    I got à question regarding the CM.
    The guard is great, but why not choosing the protector or commander at CM witch a guard. They are taller and good reactivity. Also
    I prefer use a hammer at AM, shot with long range and can be a safe option to pass the ball. My striker are jet and thunder
    Thanks !!

    • Hi TOlyeC, thanks for the message 😊

      Actually, what you wrote are spot on! If I remember correctly, back then when I wrote this article, I didn’t have Commander. That’s why I didn’t pick him. Now I use Commander & Guard as CM. The reason I avoid Protector is that he tend to dribble too much. Guard & Commander are safer options in my opinion. However, I strongly recommend going with what you think is the best option! I mean, there’s no answer, right? 😉

      Jet is clearly better than Intruder, so it makes sense. I like to put Hammer on CF because obviously, he can score a lot of goals from crossing from side midfielders. In your case, Thunder can take on that role, so I think your choice of attackers are effective 👍‍

      Good luck! 🤞

  4. Hey man!!
    Thank you so much for your help. I was losing and winning but couldn’t go up. Sometimes I got relegation. But I couldn’t pass the line of 1700 stars. But now I am winning like crazy!!! My defence is so powerful that I can get my ball back in no time.
    * I am using infiltrator in the place of hammer because infiltrator is a running player. Hammer’s speed is so low that other players get the ball back. So I am using hammer in the place of prowler ( I don’t have any prowler and my engine is not powerful enough).
    POV: Thanks a lot man!!! Take love❤️

    • Hello my friend, thank you for the comment!

      I’m so glad for your victory 😉 Keep it going brother! :) Also, I appreciate the new idea you came up with. That was really creative! 👏‍

      Again, thank you for commenting! :)

  5. Hi Guruffin, thank you very much for this!

    I have a team of level 6-7 players and I used this formation, and I am starting to beat more teams with level 8-9 players in Arena 10. The strategy works, I just have to level up my Hammer more (he’s level 6) so I can ensure he gets the lob pass almost every time.

    Would you mind making a post on the 4-3-3 formation? I wonder if this formation can thrive in Arena 10 and even in Infinity arena, and the player types that fit best in this formation.

    Thanks again for your help!

    • Hi Bryguy, thank you for the comment!

      I know a lot of player like 433 formation, yet honestly, personally I didn’t find that formation helpful to win in the upper Arenas. I always use 352 when my aim is winning :)

    • Hi SKywalker!

      Personally I don’t recommend it. I prefer normal 4-3-3 than 4-1-2-3. Thanks for the comment anyways! :)

  6. Hi Guruffin,thank you very much for this

    After using this formation and lineup,I am doing pretty well than before.Now,can I use wizard instead of architect?


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